Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Week 1, Assassin Training Begins

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 Greetings Internet,Welcome to my Super Mega Assassin Training blog where, every Wednesday, I will be updating the internet on my steps towards achieving my goal of taking my body that looks like this:

And turning it into this:
Yes I realize that it will take more then a year to get that ripped, but I am attempting to make make my body look good in the costume (for which I will also be showcasing the build). I am planning to wear it to Fan Expo in Toronto August 2013. For those of you out there that are not fans of the Warhammer 40,000 tabletop wargaming franchise, this character is a Vindicare Assassin, a genetically modified Assassin.

Once a week I will be updating this blog with information about my progress, the steps I am taking to complete this goal, and my progress on the costume and prop build.

I have met up with a trainer that I know through my family, and they have set up a full fitness plan for me. I will be seeing them every other week at first, and later once a month so that they can alter the plan as I progress.

I am also changing my eating habits. I should make it clear that I am not going on a diet. I do not believe in diets, nor do I feel they have true lasting results. What I am doing is changing WHAT I eat and HOW MUCH I eat.

In the next few weeks I will be going into a more specific look at the changes I am making both to my fitness as well as my eating habits.

I look forward to sharing both my struggles and triumphs with you as I use you to keep myself motivated to complete. If you are interested feel free to join me and work towards finding a healthier you, whether it be that you are trying to get yourself into shape for conventions, or maybe you are wanting to look better in your body... maybe you are crazy and just want to be a healthier person. I would love the company.

Week 1 Stats:

-Weight: 185.2 lbs
     -Waist: 36.5"
     -Chest: 38.5"
     -Hips: 42"
     -Arm Hanging: 12.5"
     -Arm Flexed: 13.25"
-Weekly Exercise: Working "Back to School: at Staples (this is more of a workout then you would think)

Elephutan Signing out


  1. I commend you for your determination soldier, especially since you are attempting to become a genetically modified assassin (always a worthy goal). Welcome aboard the cosplay blogger wagon... >:D

  2. nice shrew.

    god life is grand

    new mezz rocks

    hanson will die in 2049
